Home TechnologyBusiness Apps Talisma Announces the Availability of a New Generation Intelligent CRM

Talisma Announces the Availability of a New Generation Intelligent CRM

by CISO Connect

Talisma Corporation has announced the availability of a new CRM. This CRM will help businesses engage customers through better predictability and intelligence driven operations across interactions spanning web, social media and chat channels. The announcement was made on the sidelines of Talisma Corporation’s annual business and technology conference – Talisma Insight.

The intelligent CRM from Talisma brings forth a new engagement paradigm that relies on the inherent intelligence value present in every transaction/interaction. It has the power to analyse such interactions and derive actionable insights while ‘learning on the go’. This means the CRMcan adapt itself to changing business needs and customer preferences to lend businesses greater flexibility. It can also validate customer data within an organisation to improve business relevance.

With every campaign and interaction, the CRM learns and morphs to adapt thanks to its predictive intelligence capabilities. It also delivers better visibility into prospect interactions and customer purchases and generates actionable insights, including prioritized opportunities.
“The new solution bears testimony to our continuing investments in improving customer experience for our customers. Over the last two years we have invested significantly in ramping up our R&D capability to deliver a product that is aligned to the raising expectations of a new tribe of customers who are expecting much more from their service providers. The new release brings in a new level of intelligence that translates into engagement predictability for our customers,” said Raj Mruthyunjayappa, Managing Director, EMEA and APAC for Talisma Corporation.

The new CRM can be deployed by banks, insurers, retailers, ITES entities and other service organizations to identify behaviours of interest, map sentiments and do more cross sell and up sell. Talisma also announced the availability of new releases of Mobile CRM, Social CRM and its Chat application.

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