Home Latest News Pegasystems Extends Omnichannel Predictive Analytics

Pegasystems Extends Omnichannel Predictive Analytics


Pegasystems, Inc. announced that its industry leading Customer Decision Hub, including predictive analytics, Next-Best Action and real-time event streaming capabilities, has been extended across its complete suite of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications, including Pega Marketing, Pega Sales Automation, and Pega Customer Service. For the first time, businesses can anticipate changing customer needs in real time to deliver optimal engagement across all stages of the customer journey and through any channel.

Consumers increasingly expect a personalized omnichannel experience regardless of how, when, and where they engage with businesses whether downloading marketing collateral on their mobile device, receiving a personalized offer from a sales professional, or correcting a billing issue with a contact center representative over the phone. However, the reality is that most organizations are limited by siloed business units, resulting in isolated pockets of customer information and processes that lead to poor and inconsistent customer experiences. Even worse, this data is often trapped inside static CRM applications that lack the ability to dynamically turn information into meaningful insights that drive personalized interactions.

With Pega CRM applications, businesses can analyze customer data in real time across marketing, sales, and customer service, and receive suggestions on the best possible action to take with customers at any point in the engagement cycle. Pega’s Customer Decision Hub enables Pega CRM applications to continually adapt with self-learning models to ensure suggested actions reflect the customer’s changing preferences. By extending this capability across customer-facing front office functions, businesses can personalize each customer interaction in any scenario on any channel to maximize the value of every customer relationship.

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