Home Latest News IBM Named #1 in Software Defined Storage Platforms

IBM Named #1 in Software Defined Storage Platforms

by CISO Connect

IBM announced that IDC has ranked IBM as the top ranking supplier of Software Defined Storage Platforms (SDS-P) in its latest Worldwide Storage Software QView for the second quarter 2014, based on software revenue. The ranking reflects widespread adoption of IBM’s SDS-P technologies by clients looking to gain faster, more reliable access to their growing data volumes.

IDC describes SDS-P as, “platforms that deliver the full suite of storage services via a software stack that uses (but is not dependent on) commodity hardware built with off-the-shelf components.” *

IBM’s SDS portfolio includes hardware agnostic software technologies such as a global file system, code-named Elastic Storage that automatically manages data locally and globally. It also provides breakthrough speeds in data access, easy administration and the ability to scale technology infrastructures quickly and more cost-effectively. In addition to Elastic Storage, the portfolio includes IBM’s storage virtualization software, SAN Volume Controller, which enables clients to virtualize storage infrastructures for fast, reliable data movement across heterogeneous storage systems. SAN Volume Controller is also available as part of IBM’s Virtual Storage Center which provides additional capabilities for storage management such as backup, restore, and visual administration.

“IBM Software Defined Storage capabilities are providing clients with the kind of scalability and fast data access their customers, employees and partners are not just demanding, but expecting,” said Jamie Thomas, General Manager, Storage and Software Defined Systems, IBM Systems & Technology Group.

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