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Business Benefits of the Accenture Insights Platform


Accenture Insights Platform a cloud-based, end-to-end analytics solution designed to simplify analytics and deliver real-time, actionable insights to businesses for a competitive advantage,will increase an organization’s speed to insight, decision-making and business outcomes.The platform has a preconfigured, industrialized end-to-end architecture that typically can be provisioned within 24 hours and generate initial actionable analytics insights in weeks,as opposed to conventional approaches that can take months.

Accenture Insights Platform aids both in Utilities Management & Workforce Management. Thames Water, the largest provider of water and wastewater services in the UK, established a single view of its operating systems and assets, such as pipe and treatment facilities, and applied advanced analytics to enable more efficient water sourcing and remote monitoring of assets. The analytics insights helped the utility anticipate equipment failures and respond in near real-time to critical situations, such as leaks or adverse weather events.

A global integrated oil company operating in Canada is making insight-driven decisions to optimize its workforce and meet its maintenance program deadlines; missing deadlines can result in an estimated $10M loss in revenue for each day of delay. The company is analyzing RFID data and using data visualization capabilities to provide streaming information to decision-makers, enabling real-time decisions to help keep the maintenance project on track.

To quote Narendra Mulani, senior managing director, Accenture Analytics ,part of Accenture Digital “Speed is a huge differentiator for businesses today — speed to insight, speed to decision making and speed to action and outcomes. As all companies currently have a wealth of data at their disposal and many are applying analytics, the company today that democratizes their data and places the needed insight into the hands of their employees the fastest so they can make data-driven decisions & will be in the best position to defend, transform and disrupt in their markets.”

Accenture maintains relationships with a wide ranging ecosystem of advanced analytics providers and emerging players in the analytics and big data space. Through the Accenture Insights Platform, businesses will have access to leading technologies that can help them solve their particular issue today and build for tomorrow.


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